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I finished high school at the end of 2011, and spent 2012 saving and planning for my adventure to Siem Reap, Cambodia. The fact that I had never been away from home by myself before, didn’t frighten me at all. I was nothing but excited. I couldn’t wait for the day of my departure to arrive.


It’s hard to put in to words the feelings I had on the trip over here. The last 8 months I had been so excited- I never really saw it as a challenge. It was only then that it hit me I really was going to be away from home and my family and friends for a full 3 months. The day I left home, it was 7 degrees. Cambodia greeted me with a wave of heat, at 36 degrees.

The first few days were a real struggle for me, absolutely nothing was familiar. The people, the heat, the smell, the poverty, the food, the culture, the language - it was not something that I could have been prepared for. I missed my home and called my family every day, wondering how I was going to make it through the next 3 months here.

The other volunteers were wonderful. They talked me through everything and cheered me up as much as they could. They had all been through the same feelings and culture shock, and reassured me it would soon pass.

As promised, I soon found myself head over heels in love with this place. The supervisors at my placement were fantastic. The kids would greet me at the gate each morning waving and smiling, ready to give out their morning cuddles and kisses. Teaching them was so rewarding, and seeing them make progress on their basic math and English skills filled me with feelings I had never felt. I felt at home, and I felt like I was really making a difference in the lives of these children.

This experience has been everything for me. I’ve made lifelong friends and have learnt so much about myself and the world around me. It was a real challenge at the start, but I’m proud to know that I overcame that. I have one month left, and wish that I could stay much longer. I can’t believe how time has flown- it’s pretty scary actually. For the next month I will do my best to make the most of everything. Every motorbike ride, every cuddle from a child and every smile from a local.

I love Cambodia, and this experience has been unreal. I am so lucky to have had the opportunity to spend time in this beautiful country.

Anita Frost

Anita Frst

Anita's Story

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