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Volunteer Stories

Stories from volunteers in Honour Village Cambodia, 2011 and 2012. Come join us!

HVC is great because you have the opportunity to teach the children subjects you’re skilled in and that are close to your heart. For example I study dentistry so taught all the children oral hygiene and took them to the dentist. There is always something you can do, even /or most importantly, just spend time with and listen to them. And now I'm even more excited as I have just been accepted to do an internship at Angkor Wat Children's Hospital in July 2013.
Jessye Sutton

I found volunteering at HVC a wonderful and enriching experience which was so different to anything which I had previously taken part in. The children were so eager to learn and arriving to them every morning smiling and waving by the school gate was the highlight of my day
Zoya Zajac

Teaching in front of a class of 30 children with almost no experience seemed like a daunting task but the children's endless smiling and eagerness to learn made it so enjoyable. Even in the short time that I was there you saw an improvement in the children's language skills and especially their confidence. Whether it was a shy child who now enjoys to sing with the group and shout along to 'Not Me! Said the Monkey' or a child who is desperate to learn new vocabulary everyday, each child's achievement was equally rewarding.

Kirsten Cherry

The HVC experience is reciprocal - you give a lot to help people less fortunate, but the project and children give you a lot in return as you develop your own confidence and skills. Seeing the children smile everyday gives you perspective on your own life - health and education are privileges we have the luxury of taking for granted.
Jo Nolan

The most interesting thing about teaching in Cambodia was observing some of the children's natural intellect and ability to grasp concepts explaining the world around them to which they were previously unaware.

Zack Zajak


As a primary school teacher, I found the enthusiasm for learning incredibly exciting and can't wait to go back next year to see all the progress these truly inspirational children will have made.
Rachel Bunce

I had a really great time and it was a great experience.
Jordy Sutton


I would say that my experience at HVC was so worthwhile because the team that we were in always seemed to be pulling together to get jobs done that needed doing (like repainting the lilies in the spirit garden, teaching the kids dental hygiene, English and Sport); as well as creating new opportunities such as painting an imaginative mural, introducing fancy dress obstacle courses and encouraging them to explore their artistic talents. I thought it was great that anyone who participated in this trip could make use of their skills, talents and interests in some way. Don't forget to watch the video I made about volunteering and working -  it's on the Home page.

Hannah Popham

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